Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where do babies come from?

Having children always livens things up. This morning Ethyn and Faith were at school and Abram was snuggling in bed with me. He brought up the subject of babies. Every once in a while he brings this subject up. I asked him if he wanted a baby (for those who are thinking it, no, we are not looking at having one). He said he wanted a baby boy for him and a baby girl for Faith. This is not something new at our house as Faith would say the exact same thing. I couldn't help but ask him where he would get his baby. He told me that him and I would have to go to the doctor and the doctor would rub soap on our (Abram and mine) tummies and when it dried there would be a baby in our tummies. How enlightened I felt. It is amazing what a 4 year old can teach you. I then asked him how the baby would get out. He said the doctor would cut a hole and pull the baby out. He was so matter of fact I decided not to argue. I wouldn't win.


wandering nana said...

What were you doing up at midnight? Go to bed sweetie, you need your sleep. I love babies. It's wonderful being a grandma so I can do all the baby stuff but not have to go thru the pregnancy. This is why I go and help my girls. I really miss not living near them to enjoy their babies.

Heidi said...

Oh what a cute story and picture! I wonder where he got that idea about cutting open... Did you have c-sections?

nomadicspud said...

No c-sections here and he's the youngest so he's never seen me prego either. I have no idea where he got this. All I know is what children don't know or understand, they use their imagination to come up with a conclusion or fill in the blanks.

Chelle said...

Abram always seems like such a sweet & carefree kid... yet he appears pretty headstrong too. I bet he just decided "this is how is goes" and that's that!

It's too bad we can't be more imaginative like little children.

Stacey said...

And what a CUTE baby he's feeding!